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Prestigious East Side Apartment Living in Wichita, KS

Keeper of Remembrance

Keeper of RemembranceWichita’s most iconic symbol is the Keeper of the Plains. As you have probably noticed, over the last few years, dozens of 10′ fiberglass Keeper of the Plains statues have appeared around the City of Wichita, thanks to Together Wichita, a group of about 20 local businesses who have teamed up to select and fund projects aimed at celebrating Wichita and its residents.

The statues are a brought to pass through a partnership between local businesses and the artists who design and paint them.

The Keeper of Remembrance

In time for Memorial Day, The Keeper of Remembrance was dedicated at Cambridge Market, next to Quarters at Cambridge. (9747 E 21st St. N, Wichita, KS). This Keeper was created to commemorate the sacrifice of men and women who have given their lives fighting for their country.

If you have not seen this beautiful statue, please take the time to visit it!

Holly Nelson